Statement, March 2017
We support the building of a mass movement to take the following actions:
Support families under attack!
Assist families to develop personal “disaster plans”, including getting documents together, getting dual citizenship and passports for their kids when they can, training everyone in the family about what to do if confronted with an ICE agent at home or in public, having emergency numbers programmed into their phones, etc.
End the raids!

Take the initiative in coordinating defense cohorts of people committed to being part of a red flag twitter (or Facebook) social media feed, so that as many non-vulnerable people as possible show up at any ICE raid to take pictures, document, share, support, disrupt. This includes efforts to coordinate with other “sanctuary sites” such as schools, churches and health care agencies. Officially designate such sites as sanctuary zones.
Strengthen immigrant organizations!
Strengthen immigrant organizations, encouraging them to publish position statements and use their resources (in our case, the newly on-air Radio Indigena low power FM station) to keep people informed and mobilize them to action.There are many farmworker organizations, hometown associations, clubs and other immigrant institutions which have not necessarily been active in the past immigration reform struggles, but who should be approached for collaboration.
Amnesty and Full Citizenship For All! For an Open Border!
Encourage and actively participate in the developing national day of action for May 1.Despite personal fear and uncertainty, a large, vocal, coordinated national day of immigrant rights activities would provide a powerful message and avenue for advancing the movement.

Unite the movement! One for all and all for one!
The immigrant rights movement should actively seek to collaborate with other progressive forces— the health care for all movement, the environmental movement, Black Lives Matters, LGBT movement as a mutually supportive movement of resisters.
May 1: Day of National Protest
1 de Mayo: La Huelga Viene— A Day without Immigrants
Yo pase este fin de semana en Boston con 350 personas de 25 estados en la asamblea nacional más grande de Cosecha. Comenzamos haciendo el compromiso para participar y organizar hacia…
Un Dia Sin Inmigrantes— A Day Without Immigrants— en el primero de Mayo!
El Sábado por la noche, cubrimos todo Boston con 8 acciones simultáneas para amplificar nuestra llamada de acción— creamos arte en las calles, sostuvimos pancartas gigantes sobre los highways, interrumpimos tiendas, hicimos teatro en las calles— y un #SalsaShutdown gigante.
Aunque no hayas atendido la asamblea nacional, todavía puedes ayudar a que Un Dia Sin Inmigrantes vaya viral.
***Comparte nuestro evento de Facebook e invita a 10 amigas a que se unen a la huelga.
Tenemos un presidente que ha pasado sus primeras tres semanas en la casa blanca atacando a la comunidad inmigrante. Primero el #MuslimBan, luego la pared, ahora las deportaciones masivas alrededor del país. No parará.
Asi que no esperaremos al próximo ataque para reaccionar. Es hora que nosotros organizemos la ofensiva. Ya no más.
ICE. Ya no más. Separación de familia. Ya no más. Explotación de nuestro trabajo. Ya no más!

Un Dia Sin Inmigrantes va a suceder el Primero de Mayo— y necesitamos tu ayuda para pasar la voz.
Millones de nosotros no vamos a ir a trabajar, no vamos a comprar nada. En vez, vamos a tomar las calles en lo que será la huelga más grande organizada por imigrantes en la historia de este país. Ya basta. Ya no podemos vivir así – sin dignidad, respeto, y reconocimiento que nuestro labor sostiene a este país.
Nuestra comunidad esta lista. Después de 10 años, Un Dia Sin Inmigrantes ha llegado, y el pueblo americano verá lo que siempre hemos sabido: este país nos necesita. El Primero de Mayo es solo el principio de la temporada de huelgas y boicots. Cada vez que hacemos una huelga por un día, construiremos más poder.
Y mientras hagamos huelga por más días, más poder tendremos. Si empezamos a hacer huelgas de días múltiples, tres cosas pasaran: los que están en poder se desesperaran, el público querrá que las cosas regresen a la normalidad, y los políticos nos darán protección permanente.
Empezaremos con un dia. Pero vamos para 7. Terminaremos con protección permanente, dignidad y respeto. Pero empieza con un dia. Y ese dia empieza con tu ayuda para pasar la voz por todos lados.
¡Hasta la huelga!
Maria Fernanda Cabello
I spent this weekend in Boston with 350 people from 25 states at the largest ever Cosecha National Assembly.
We started it off by all committing to participate and organize towards…Un Dia Sin Inmigrantes— A Day Without Immigrants— on May 1st!
Saturday night, we took over Boston to amplify our call to action with 8 simultaneous actions— street art, banner drops, store disruptions, and street theater— and one giant #SalsaShutdown.
**Even if you couldn’t make it to the National Assembly, you can make Un Dia Sin Inmigrantes go viral.
Share our Facebook event and invite 10 friends to join the strike. [link as above]
We have a president who has spent his first three weeks in office attacking the immigrant community. First the #MuslimBan, then the wall, now mass deportation raids all across the country. He won’t stop.
We will not wait until the next attack to react. It is time for us to start leading. Ya no ya no más.
ICE. Ya no más. Family separation. Ya no más. Exploitation of our work. Ya no más!
Un Dia Sin Inmigrantes is happening May 1st— and we need your help to spread the word.[link we need…word] Millions of us are not going to go to work, not going to buy anything. Instead, we are going to take the streets in what will be the largest immigrant-led strike in history. Enough is enough.
We can’t live this way anymore— without dignity, respect, and recognition that our labor sustains this country.
Our community is ready. After 10 years, A Day Without An Immigrant is finally happening, and the American public will see what we’ve known all along: this country needs us.
May 1st is just the beginning of a season of strikes and boycotts. Each time we strike for a day, we will build power.
And the more days we strike, the more powerful we become. If we begin striking for multiple days, three things will happen: those in power will become desperate, the general public will want everything to return to normal, and those in power will want to give us permanent protection.
We start with one day. We continue with seven days. We end with permanent protection, dignity, and respect.
But it starts with one day. And that day starts with you helping us spread the word about the strike far and wide.
Let’s do this.
Maria Fernanda Cabello
Bay Area
Join us on Monday, May 1st, 2017!
We will not go to work, school, shop, bank, or purchase online!
We will RISE UP, STAND UP, RESIST, PROTEST, and DEFEAT Trump’s program to build a wall and deport over 3 million immigrants & refugees!
—#NoBanNoWall [can’t get link for this: not on Facebook, lots of twitter hashtags of this]
—Stop the ICE raids and deportations
—Defend all immigrants regardless of status
—Stand up against racism, sexism, xenophobia, and bigotry
—Stop attacks on Mexico
—Stop attacks on Muslims, people of color, women, LGBTQ, workers, and the poor
—NO to U.S war and intervention abroad!
—NO to environmental destruction
—Defend public education
Justice for Alex Nieto
Mission Peace Collaborative ~ MPC
Latino Voter Education Project
Mexican Por La Causa
Latino Association of Aztlan
Mission Economic Development Association ~ MEDA Latino Leadership Comite
Mexicanos Unidos de la Bahia
Mi Familia
Cesar Chavez Holiday Festival & Parade
La Raza Unida de Califas
Cultura Arte Nativo de La America
Mexican Immigrants Alliance
Carnaval San Francisco
La Raza Education & Cultural Association
Latino Coalition
Chicano/a Latino/a Student Center
Mission Neighborhood Centers
The Chocolate Project
Mexican Art Collaborative
Veteranos de Aztlan
Latin Rock Inc.
Mission Youth Project
Latinos Unidos
CAT Santuary
Mexican Pride Association
Cinco De Mayo Comite
Road Map to Peace ~ RTP
Chicano Federation
Mundo May Collectiva
Mission Voter Registration Project
La Peña Cultural Center
Nation of Aztlan Collective
ANSWER Coalition
San Francisco Lowrider Council
Our Mission No Eviction
La Cocina
SambaFUNK !
Dance Mission
Voz de Aztlan
BRAVA! for Woman in the Arts
Calle 24 Latino Cultural District
Casa Mexicanisimo
Batala SF
St. John Coltrane African Church
Mission Neighborhood Resource Center
Xiuhcoatl Danza Azteca
Cortland Progressives
Mexican American Business Alliance Fundacion Paz Mundial
Baseball Without Borders
Las Manos Del Pueblo Mexicano Collectivo del Rescate Cultural
Club 26 Mix
Panama America
Hijos de Santa Rosa Lima
Proyecto Mopawi
Valverde Dance Theater
Diaspora Mas Band
Mexican Sustainable Workers
Casa La Esperanza
Ya’axcle Cura Project
Latin American Soccer League
Rueda Con Ritmo
Club Futbol Mexicana
Comite Sanpedrano de Nions
Viva La Diva
Indigenous Harvest Workers of America Agua para el Pueblo
Feline Finesse Dance Company MiXTiSO
Moving Beyond Productions
Rural Development Coalition
Marcacatu Pacifico
Corazon de Nicaragua
Latin American Workout
Work Out Temps
Star One Art
Grupo Samba Rio
Caminando Por La Paz
United Rhythms
La Cumbiamba Columbia
Mexican Rural Workers Central Valley Windsor Bloco
Latino Democrat Club
Casa Sanchez
Cultural Arts Network
La Raza Centro Legal
Pacific Felt Factory